
Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

Pacific associates established in late 1988. It was registered with the office of the registrar of joint stock companies on 31st December, 1989 as pacific associates ltd.

The company started the business with industrial sewing machines and fast moving spare parts for supplying to the export oriented garment industries. In 1990 the entrepreneurs started to consider setting up a backward linkage industry for the rmg sector.

At that time we started looking for best quality and renowned manufacturers of textile machines for weaving, knitting, dyeing, finishing etc. Across the globe. Through negotiations and subsequent agreements, we became representative in Bangladesh of some world-famous brands of machine like fukuhara knitting, fong’s dyeing, fulton & garioni naval boiler, tung fong sweater knitting etc.

In 1996 our company held a solo exhibition at sonargaon hotel. In continuation of marketing actives our company used to participate in textile and garments machinery exhibition and other business event in every year.Between 1997 and 2006 we also obtained the representation right of some European-made machines like stoll, bruckner, buser, karl mayer, loos, fadis etc.

The year 2014 is 25th anniversary year of the company. To commemorate the year the company lunched the new logo from 1st January 2014.

Have a Look on The World Renowned Brands We Are Working With